Summer Fun
Too many things, too little time, and a bit of the flu prevented me from posting in the last few days.
In these days, Johathan Schwartz suceeded Scott McNealy as CEO of Sun.
from a geek
point of view, it's a step in the right direction, I'm not sure how it will turn out from a market point of view. It still sounds solid, I mean, it's not like they're turning the company over to Bill Joy or something (not that I don't admire Bill Joy, it's just that there's always a risk capital in putting too much power in the hands of editor frontmen...)
In other news, Apple is interested in
porting ZFS to MacOS X. Probably the best move they could ever do in the filesystem arena, combining what is starting to become the world's most interesting operating system with the worlds definitely most interesting filesystem implementation. These are good times to live in.
Yet in other news, we have three totally unrelated events, some of which may interest you in participating:
DARPA is issuing the call for the
3rd Grand Challenge; this time, the robots invade the cities :)
Closer to home, Red Bull (the soft-drink manufacturer) is hosting the
2nd Flug Tag in Lisbon, Portugal. If you can't afford a DARPA robot-car, build a plane and crash it into the sea ;)
If you are not of the building inclination, and would rather sit on a sofa, the Vodafone Best Seat
Sofa Race may just be the thing for you. They provide you with the sofa, you just have to talk two friends into pushing you around, and off you go.
There are your options, now don't complain you have nothing fun to do this summer.